Bachelor of Science in Natural Medicine

Bachelor of Science in Natural Medicine (B.S.)

The INM Bachelor of Science in Natural Medicine (BS) covers the last 2 years in which college students normally concentrate on their major area of study. Therefore, we prefer that students entering this degree program already have an Associate’s Degree or a Bachelor’s Degree to assure a general fund of knowledge. However, we welcome students with other types of relevant experiences and training as we do recognize the value of life experience and the general fund of knowledge gained in the workplace or in managing a home and family. All students must be able to use a computer to create documents and communicate via e-mail. Building on a previous college degree or life experience, this degree program then focuses on what would be the junior-level and senior-level courses with a major in Natural Medicine. This degree program includes a well-rounded, comprehensive approach to the many areas and topics in both conventional and natural medicine. Conventional anatomy, physiology, and disease processes are presented as a means to understanding the many chronic diseases in the general population that are caused by poor nutrition. Conventional nutrition and the deficiencies of the standard American diet are compared to the benefits of naturopathic nutrition and the natural diet. Students learn how to facilitate healthy lifestyle changes in diet for themselves and others. Students also learn about natural medicine therapy with hydrotherapy, massage therapy, and the medicinal use of herbs.


INM 01 Basic Principles of Health
INM 02 Foods and Their Healing Power
INM 03 Introduction to Medical Language
INM 04 Anatomy and Physiology, Part 1
INM 05 Anatomy and Physiology, Part 2
INM 06 Anatomy and Physiology, Part 3
INM 07 Disease Processes and Conventional Medicine, Part 1
INM 08 Disease Processes and Conventional Medicine, Part 2
INM 09 Disease Processes and Conventional Medicine, Part 3
INM 10 Natural Hygiene, Part 1
INM 11 Natural Hygiene, Part 2
INM 12 Natural Hygiene, Part 3
INM 13 Modern Medicine
INM 14 The Green Pharmacy
INM 15 Home Remedies
INM 16 Cure Cancer
INM 17 Massage Techniques
INM 18 Healthy Food
INM 19 Background of the False Healing
INM 20 Mystical Medicine

All course work and credit hours completed during this degree program are applicable to the
Master of Science in Natural Medicine degree program.